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Diamond Dreams of Africa, Kenya

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9.8/10 Trust Pilot - 5965 Reviews
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Description & Facilities


5 Stars


Family Friendly


Wedding Abroad

The Diamond Dreams of Africa all inclusive resort has a luxurious and comfortable setting accommodating guests in 35 bespoke Italian designed suites, complete with Jacuzzi tubs, private terrace, sun loungers with garden views.

The five star resort is a popular destination for weddings and honeymoon stays. Enter into an ambiance of calm and relaxation whilst the friendly staff attends to your every need.

The all-inclusive package includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinks served at the main bar and pool bar serves drinks at the resort. Gymnasium facilities, beach towels, sun beds and beach umbrellas are also included. Not in addition an optional a la carte beach side dinner is available on request. Other facilities available are the swimming pool, beauty centre, MVUA Spa including body wraps and massages.

Any excursions, safari or snorkelling to name a few can be booked via the hotel's reservations team and for visits to Malindi Town it is just a short 10 minute drive away.

A worthwhile shopping experience would be to the Sherique Boutique within the resort's grounds. Displaying high quality handicrafts and artefacts made from wood and stone, extensively sourced the fine products picked from small villages in Thailand and the local markets in Africa.


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Diamond Dreams of Africa
Flight Time
9 hours (approximately)
Journey Time From Airport
  • 2 hours by Road

Weather reviews from customers who visited Kenya in

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Customer weather reviews for
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"hot sunny"
"lovely, sunny, not the rainy season"
"as above"
"Marvellous! 30 degrees every day."
"Masai Mara was incredibly mixed; from chilly and torrential downpours to very hot and sunny Watamu was clear skies and 30C consistently"
"Cool in the mornings and evenings... Hot inbetween"
"Hot 28 most day"
"The weather was just right really, we didn't have any rain or bad days at all. It was a bit nippy first thing in the morning and after dark. It was hot but not unbareable and once you were under the roofs of the vans whilst on safari it was fine and the breeze was nice."
"very hot"
"36 degrees"
"Beautifully hot."
"Pleasantly warm"
"Wonderful! The odd short shower with only one dull day in a fortnight."
"very good"
"The weather was interesting as it was supposed to be very dry, and we got a fair bit of rain, but it didn’t detour us on our Safari, which were excellent"


"hot but with a nice breeze the first week then the 2nd week we had 3/4 days bad weather, which was a shame, but was nice again before we left"
"Very Very Hot"
"hot and sunny"
"hot hot hot"
"Sunny everyday at least 30 degrees. No a drop of rain for the whole two weeks"
"very good"


"hot but managable on safari but way too hot when we went to mombassa"
"hot hot hot"
"Warm and sunny but not too hot. It was hotter during our second week at the Baobab Beach resort in Mombasa but we came home with good sun tans."
"Hot throughout."


"Rained on last day but otherwise excellent and some breeze off the sea most days."


"Sunny! Even in what was supposed to be the rainy season."


"Masia Mara - Safari. Warm during the day but cold at night and first thing in the morning."
"It was cloudy two days and rained for another, but the rest of the holiday it was hot and sunny"
"Very comfortable even for pale-faced Europeans. It being "winter" in Kenya and Zanzibar meant that the temperature could occasionaly drop below 30. I wish that we could have winters like that in Scotland !"
"Mixed but mostly enjoyable"
"Good and ideal for the safari"
"Mostly sunny with a bit of rain in the day. It is wintery for them, so early darkness with a lot of wind and some stormy weather in the evenings (even leading to hotel powercuts!)"
"A hot summers day here"
"Cloudy and rained but still warm"
"Samburu, Lake Nakuru, Mount Kenya and Massi Mara - clodly but warm and some days very sunny. Mombassa very rainy most days but warm. Not really beach weather in June."
"Weather was good, driving was fairly dry."
"Weather on the whole for June was good. Rain showers every day but only lasting for minutes."
"The weather was great - mostly sunny, not too hot, not too cold. Jumpers were sometimes needed on the early game drives to keep the chill off."


"As expected"
"Sunny, around 25 c"
"ideal for the trip we did - perfect temperature and just a few showers whilst at the beach -"
"Warm dry and sunny"
"very good while on safari, bit of rain in mombasa, but overall good."
"better than we thought it would be!"
"Winter in Kenya is cool in the evening but very comfortably hot during the day."
"The weather was mixed throughout the two weeks. On safari, the weather was very hot on three days but very cold and wet on the other day. The weather at the Cove was also mixed. It was cloudy each morning but on most days, it cleared up. One day it rained heavily for a few hours but was not cold. When the sun was out, it became very hot but not too uncomfortable."
"Really sunny and warm for the most part, occasionally a bit overcast towards the afternoons and we had a few days of rain in the second week, but always very warm."
"good, not so hot or cold."
"2 bad days rest excellent"
"On the whole the weather was good. Many days started with a shower then cleared up to reveal a beautiful temperate day. A couple of days were a bit cloudy and being near the equator daylighted ended at 6.30pm."
"Sunny but not too hot"


"Some rain but generally cleared up after an hour or so. Warm but not excessively hot."
"Warm and sunny on most days, rain on ly on one day over the whole week"
"Varied greatly from mountains to plains. Mornings were cold but days very warm."
"Very good. Sunny but no hotter than a really sunny summers day in UK"
"The weather was hot at our Indian ocean/Coastal resort but could be very cool inland on the safari in the morning and again in the evenings. We also had one evening with a heavy down pour."
"Dry and sunny, some cloud, medium winds and temperatures of between 23 and 29C,"
"A bit of rain but mostly it was warm and sunny"
"Warm but not too hot. It did rain nearly every day, sometimes it was showers sometimes a few hours. On the coast it was very windy."
"cold on early morning and late afternoon safari drives whilst on Masai Mara"
"Excellent except in Nairobi which was surprisingly cool"
"Hot and sunny"


"Lovely warm (approx 30 degrees), sunny days and plesant evenings (approx 20 degrees). No rain for 2 weeks but it was not sticky humid as i was expecting."
"Hot and sunny. Not too hot that you couldn't enjoy it"
"Cool in the morning and evenings but wonderfully warm and sunny throughout the days"
"Warm and mostly dry."
"Only one afternoon did we have rain for a couple of hours. The weather was quite cool whilst we were on safari... which we were grateful for as we sat in the van with no air conditioning!"
"Perfect. Cool in the morning,warming up during the day and hot in the afternoon."
"Beautiful sunny days throughout the 2 week holiday apart from the last day where it rained cats and dogs."
"Mixed, warm and sunny in samburu, cold in Mt kenya, wet and warm in lake nakuru and warm and sunny in the mara with some evening rain showers."
"We had a bit of everything but mostly sunshine."
"Cold in mornings and evenings, warm during the day"
"Weather was amazing the whole trip, we were lucky as for three weeks before they had had lots of rain. We travelled end of sep early oct and only had two rain showers at night, the days were very sunny, only one cloudy day. Tempretures were good, hot but not uncomfortable. And still warm at night too."
"As above"
"Warm during the day, cooler during the leavening/night"
"Very nice most of the time, went cloudy sometimes in the afternoon but was on the whole was very good"
"Weather was wonderful. There was some rain which just made everything fresher and greener. It was never cold."
"Dry throughout with one thunderstorm in Masai Mara. Hot in Samburu and at the coast. Warm elsewhere with cool evenings in Abardare and Naivasha."
"Glorious sunshine throughout"


"fantastic, sunny clear blue skys. nice breeze when driving along the great rift valley."
"27 degrees"
"Very good. Very warm on safari and hot at the beach in Mombasa"
"very good"
"very good"
"cool early am and late pm but hot during day.couple of afternoon rain showers"
"hot and sunny"
"Weather in Mombassa was very good warm and sunny during our stay."
"First few days were a bit rainy but it was gorgeous the rest if the time"
"Sunny everyday"
"Hot and Sunny. Bit cloudy and occasional rain which was welcomed due to the heat."
"Hot and Sunny. Bit cloudy and occasional rain which was welcomed due to the heat."
"Excellent - very sunny"


"weather great for 10 day duration"
"Really good considering it was the rainy season"
"Hot hot hot"
"sunny, warm, slightly humid"
"It was a little rainy a couple of times on the safari part of the holiday, but it was still nice and warm. It was hot and humid in Diani at the beach resort."
"It was a little rainy a couple of times on the safari part of the holiday, but it was still nice and warm. It was hot and humid in Diani at the beach resort."


"Mostly hot, sunny, beautiful days. There was only a few quick passing light sunshowers on a couple of occasions, of which these caused us no upset at all . And no insect bites what so ever !"
"Very hot and humid in Mombasa, in the Masai Mara it was hot during the day and cool in the evenings."
"As above"
"Cool in the morning and evenings, during the day it was around 25 to 28'c so lovely and warm."
"very warm!!!"
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Diamond Dreams of Africa, Kenya

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